Eat to live, what do I understand with this? I understand that when you eat to live, to have to eat so you can live, but only as a necessity. With "live to eat" I understand that your life is focused on eating, you don't do it as a need, but more like an obsession.
For example, I eat food so I can stay alive, because it's one of the basic needs of the human body: eating. I have breakfast, dinner and all that, and follow a normal life. But the other way around, would be that your only purpose in life was to eat, which would be very bad. Eating shouldn't be an obsession, it should be seen as part of our life, not our life itself!!
So I conclude that I eat to live, not live to eat (from my previously explained point of view, because maybe you see it the other way around). Greetings mate! :)
TRUE STORY: The picture above is of Chicken Little, a chicken whose life was centered only on eating instead of seeing more important stuff. All he cared about was eating and eating and eating... So eventually he got chosen by John Kramer, so he could learn his lesson and cherish his life.