jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008

Writing HW week #9

The Candirú fish (a.k.a. Vampire catfish or Tootpick fish)

I was talking to Alan at school and he mentioned something about a tiny fish that likes to enter body orifices, I was surprised and decided to do some research on this fish, and if it existed at all.
To my surprise, it does exist. It's called CANDIRÚ. It is a parasitic fish that feeds on blood. Its body is mostly translucent and shaped long like a tootpick. It is found in the Amazon River, and is sometimes even more feared than piranhas. The catch about this freaking fish is that it is attracted to urine and menstrual stuff, swimming at a high speed to the urethra (being either a penis or a vagina) and entering it. Once it goes inside, it can only be removed by surgery, since it has hook-like things that have a tight grip in there, tearing the "walls" if it is tried to be removed in an inappropriate way.
There's plenty more information on this fish and details and everything but that's all I can remember without having to read again (oh, and also that it smells urea and ammonia of the fishes around, making it easy to find preys even in dark waters)

Anyway, here's a video of animal planet about a guy being attacked and stuff :)

You know I love you honey!<3 ^^

4 comentarios:

Lanz dijo...

a la beast shade XD, that fish its more scaring than Freddy Crueger in a Mickey Mouse Movie, nice job XD

Shade dijo...

hi :) ..
gross u_u ..
i know you love me, and i love you too :) ..
you write very well u__u i'm jealous ..

Shade dijo...

oh, by the way .. i'm your princess ^^

Mss. Ana Favila dijo...
